Sunday, July 13, 2014

Ladies (and gentlemen) who brunch

Today we woke up and threw on our swimsuits and went to the beach! That's right, directly to the beach. Do not pass go, do not eat breakfast (yet). 

Once we arrived at the beach, we were treated to a brunch of grilled breakfast tacos, backdoor donuts, and sausage! As well as some hot coffee and orange juice, our two beverages of choice for an 80+ degree morning.

After eating, we waited the recommended time to digest and then hopped in the water!

It was an amazing brunch, and everyone had a great time.

THEN we came back home and had some time to shower the ocean and sausages off of us before preparing for studio night!!

Studio night, once again, made us all laugh, cry, giggle nervously, sing, and cheer very loudly for all of our friends. 

Here's a ton of photos of lots of performances:

Marie performed brown bear brown bear

Jason sang and played guitar to a Lee Brice classic

The TulgeyMamas performed "Landslide"

The twins and Leif danced along to Boom Boom Pow

Leif had his trusty counselors, Lefty and Righty, help get him ready for the last number of the night!

Chloe sang the Star Spangled Banner and helped remind us how much we all love our country

Myles and Ben Winter emceed the whole thing as Justin Timberlake and his groupie

Speaking of groupies, Jake serenaded high-class Kendra with "Save Tonight"

Sierra did a wonderful job singing a Pocahontas classic

Juan tore it UP on the dance floor again

So did Jon, who is a triple threat with his singing, dancing, and acting abilities (come see him in the play July 18th and 19th!)

Keenan did a fantastic Ozzy impression

Stef did a beautiful interpretive dance dressed as a doll

Faith and JoJo danced to Adele and were totally in sync and totally amazing

Meghan, our awesome visitor from Camp Looking Glass, did a great job singing Carrie Underwood and dancing

some members of Gyre and Gimble reminded us what to do in case of witch attack

Paul Remy got down and dirty with some floor dancing

Luke and Darth dueled, then put their differences aside because blood is thicker than the force

Britney Spears showed up!!

Sam Wood performed Music of the Night with Emily and some Momerath boys

David and the Slithy Toves posse performed Backstreet Boys!

Then the TulgeyMamas came back for round 2 where they sped it up a little and rocked out to "Happy"

Sam Childs, distant relative of Julia, had a cooking show that was both messy and informative

Dolly Parton appeared and did an incredible job with "The Seeker"

And then a bandit came out of nowhere and pied a couple of detectives!

To finish, Shirley was a girl who was on fire

Thankfully there were some firemen around to help out!

It was a beautifully busy day and tomorrow will be, as well, because tomorrow is PROM!!!!


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