Thursday, July 10, 2014

A frabjous day (Callooh Callay!)

This morning we woke up to a gray, dreary day, but we were so optimistic that everything would turn out great because it was THURSDAY and there was so much to do!

We started the day with some classes, including an amazing master photography class with Sam Stoddard, Pete O'Hara, and Faith! Here are some of their images, with more to come for sure.

Additionally, there was a wonderful horseback riding class where everyone who went got to ride, even if they were nervous, and then they all felt very proud of themselves afterwards.

There was also a great art class where Madeline taught everyone how to collage American flags, as well as a rousing game of kickball down on the field.

After all these amazing classes, we stuffed our faces with delicious pork sandwiches (thanks Josh and Sam!) and then had a little rest period before embarking on two great adventures.

The first group went to the beach and then got to go to Mad Martha's for a little ice cream treat!

And the other group went back to Chappy for some more sunset kayaking!


Counselors and campers are starting to look and act alike... we like that.

Everything about the trip was beautiful, even the ride home.

We will all sleep very well tonight in preparation for more crazy, wonderful activities tomorrow.


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