Sunday, June 29, 2014

Today was a party.

This morning, we decided to forget about the way the beach treated us yesterday and give it a second chance. 
The beach quickly regained our trust as we enjoyed the warm sun and the single cloud (we counted) that stayed in one place, just like our towels! It wasn't a great kite-flying opportunity, but the weather was perfect for swimming and sandwiches...
But we didn't bring sandwiches this time, because we had a prior appointment back at camp with 
We finished our pie and retreated to our cabins to plan performances for the evening! Studio night may be a you-had-to-be-there kind of gig, but if you weren't then you have-to-check-these pictures out. The energy at camp was buzzing as so many people came together to share their creativity and interests with the rest of camp. Here are some highlights that were taken by some photographically talented counselors and campers this evening. Enjoy. : )
 As you can see, we loved tonight and we are pumped up for tomorrow when our special dinner guests will be...
The Vineyard Sound!

They will be eating loads of leftovers with us because Chef Cynthia left tonight. We were sad to see her go and grateful for the amount of amazing curry she prepared for us today. Thank you for all of the love you gave our tummies, Cynthia! Please visit again soon.

'Til tomorrow...


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