Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Shirley and Christina go international!!!

Hey gang!

Received this email from Christina yesterday and just had to share with you the great news:

"Shirley and I leave January 4 for Guatemala. It is a camp started by Sarah Peller. The camp is called "Kikotemaal" or "Happiness." The camp is based on the same principles as Camp Jabberwocky. The camp's motive is to bring an awareness of the capabilities of people with disabilities in a country where they are treated as outcasts of society. Shirley will be a Jabberwocky representative while in Guatemala. This will be our second year there, and we are very excited. Camp will go for about two weeks.

My next journey will be in Latin America for about five months. I will be back soon enough to be ready for Jabberwocky!"

Enjoy your time abroad, Shirley and Christina. We know you will. Knock everyone's socks off with all that you can do. We know you will.

I, and I'm sure all of us, wish you safe travel,

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