Thursday, January 17, 2008

hello folks

a lot of you have been asking for a nancy jesseau update.

i just spoke with her on the phone.

she started PT and OT as is getting stronger. she doesn't have any idea how long she will be staying at Charlwell House, and according to Ed (her cook and best bud) they still have some tests and a few "work-ups" they want to do. so it might be a while.

she does not have a phone line in her room yet, but Helen (her best friend, and a long-time friend of Camp's) is "working on it," so hopefully she will have a phone soon. in the meantime, her address is the same as i have posted before. she thinks her room number is 5A, but she's not sure - and you don't need a room number to write to her - so...

she would love it if people who are nearby would visit (charlwell house is in Norwood, MA). And she said she would really like to have some mail. sounds like this may be a long stint for nancy, but i will keep you updated as i learn more.

hope y'all are doing well in the new year!

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