Saturday, July 15, 2006

Bonfire at the beach...

This morning we worked on play rehersal and then after lunch we rehersed some more. We just can't get enough! Come check out the play here at the camp on Mon, July17 and Tues July 18, at 8pm. Admission is free! We guarentee everyone will be satisfied! Unless you don't like music, or need for it to be sung in tune. Here's some shots of the whole camp recording a song for the slideshow soundtrack at the end. It sounded pretty good, if we do say so ourselves.

Faith's T-shirt says it all:

By the time we'd finished the afternoon rehersal we were all so sick of the play we were about ready to pee in our own pants. In fact, some of us did just that. But that was okay since we managed to make it out to the beach for a great cookout.

We hauled some wood down to the beach for a marshmellow roasting fire:

Even Hellcat came down to survey the scene...

...and she and Beth recited the Jabberwocky poem for us...

...and we were treated to a most excellent sunset...

...and then darkness descended upon us all...

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