Friday, June 29, 2012

Call Me Maybe...

Hey! Here is the video Sarah, Mara, and Caroline made for Studio Night!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sharks, Soft Serve and Sound

Due to the spoilers in Tuesday's blog, we're only going to talk about the absolute highlights of that day. Like Hannah

Elke with a tree

Jakob being too awesome

Stefanie gets ambushed by Ho children.

Yesterday was stupendous. We woke up to hot breakfast and headed to the MV Sharks baseball game! After some heckling and lemonade, our very own Mike, Jake, Kevin, Arran, Harry, and Peter joined a hot dog-eating competition. It was intense.

Arran "Wild Card" Lastname won!!! Nobody saw it coming. Nobody saw us take these mugs either.

After that, most of us went to Menemsha for ice cream! A few of us went kayaking with Dr. Steve, and then all of us enjoyed Vietnamese cuisine and THE VINEYARD SOUND.

ooh yeah

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Doctor Steve Show

Hola! Here are a ton of photos our beloved Dr. Steve has taken since the beginning of camp! They start with the welcoming, sailing on the Alabama, kayaking trip, and then some amazing shots from studio night. Updates from today will be posted tomorrow when Kelsey and Michelle drink coffee. Spoiler alert: horses, kayaks, shopping, rain, ribs, drums.

love you.